• With proud, introducing TAINA SMILY •
On pristine riverbanks
of Dnepr, surrounded by enchanting
fields and forests there is the town of Smila
• This beautiful place is located in
Cherkasy region which is widely considered
to be the very heart and spirit of Ukraine
• This place arouses inspiration
and wonder – you can see it in its silky
grasslands filled with rich aromas of
melliferous flowers, you can feel it in its
morning mists covering its shady dales
and valleys, you can smell it in the cool
air that blows from its forests • Taste this amazing product of
our Land – Feel the touch of its Mystery •
of Dnepr, surrounded by enchanting
fields and forests there is the town of Smila
• This beautiful place is located in
Cherkasy region which is widely considered
to be the very heart and spirit of Ukraine
• This place arouses inspiration
and wonder – you can see it in its silky
grasslands filled with rich aromas of
melliferous flowers, you can feel it in its
morning mists covering its shady dales
and valleys, you can smell it in the cool
air that blows from its forests • Taste this amazing product of
our Land – Feel the touch of its Mystery •

Сherkasy region with its
rich and fertile black earth is renowned
for superb agricultural products
• That is why we use only our own
original raw materials to produce
our distinguished spirit drinks
• Exceptional quality of Smila's rye
and our original «TRIPLE RYE recipe»
makes our product almost unique
and authentic •
rich and fertile black earth is renowned
for superb agricultural products
• That is why we use only our own
original raw materials to produce
our distinguished spirit drinks
• Exceptional quality of Smila's rye
and our original «TRIPLE RYE recipe»
makes our product almost unique
and authentic •

The most
guarded secret of TAINA SMILY
is undoubtedly •TRIPLE RYE recipe•
• Our renowned experts have developed
a technology based on three states of rye:
Rye Flowers, carefully hand-picked
once a year • Rye Grain, the core
of Rye Spirit • Rye Malt •
guarded secret of TAINA SMILY
is undoubtedly •TRIPLE RYE recipe•
• Our renowned experts have developed
a technology based on three states of rye:
Rye Flowers, carefully hand-picked
once a year • Rye Grain, the core
of Rye Spirit • Rye Malt •